Sunday, June 16, 2024

European flying car tech now belongs to China.

A European flying car’s technology was bought by a Chinese company.

Ah, isn’t it just fantastic news? Another gem of European innovation whisked away to the land of boundless innovation, China. Who needs the quaint charm of European runways when you can have the efficiency of Chinese skies, right? It’s positively heartwarming to see the AirCar, with its astounding 35-minute flight time and humble reliance on traditional fuel, finding its wings in a country known for its pioneering spirit in electric vehicles and flying taxis.

Oh, what a thrilling prospect it is to envision a future where the skies are as congested as the streets, complete with queues, baggage checks, and all the bureaucratic joys of modern travel. Surely, we can’t wait for the day when flying cars become just as mundane and regulated as their terrestrial counterparts. After all, who needs whimsy when you can have efficiency?

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