Monday, June 24, 2024

World land speed record with the Bloodhound supersonic car.

The UK, in all its wisdom, wants to take another shot at the world land speed record with the Bloodhound supersonic car.

But, of course, they’re looking for a driver who can casually handle speeds of over 800mph (1,290km/h). Because, who needs a Sunday drive in the countryside when you can break the sound barrier instead?

And let’s not forget the minor detail of securing a “major” sponsorship deal. Who wouldn’t want to slap their name on a rocket-powered car hurtling across the desert at a cost of a mere £12 million? Just pocket change, really.

The Bloodhound, a car that’s been collecting dust in a museum since its last impressive testing run in 2019, is about to make its triumphant return to the world stage. Who could have possibly missed it while it was sitting in Coventry?

Oh, how impressive! In 2019, the Bloodhound car managed to reach a blistering top speed of 628mph (1,010km/h). It’s almost like it was trying to give Usain Bolt a run for his money, but with wheels and a jet engine.

But wait, there’s more! The really remarkable part is that it achieved this incredible speed using just the EJ200 engine. Who needs rocket science when you can break records with a good old-fashioned jet engine, right?

So, there you have it, the Bloodhound, making the rest of us feel like we’re practically standing still in our daily commutes.

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