Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Global NewsScienceTechnology

New edge technology lost in Gravity?

Gravity? Universe’s fundamental force can help solve energy storage? Batteries will

Oh, what a groundbreaking solution to our energy storage dilemma we have here! Move over, complex batteries and high-tech innovations—Gravitricity’s plan is to haul around massive weights because, you know, Newton had a point about things falling down. It’s so brilliantly simple; I can’t believe we didn’t think of it sooner.

Picture this: When the sun is shining, the wind is blowing, and the waves are feeling lively, let’s not bother with those fancy solar panels and wind turbines. No, no. Instead, let’s use all that abundant green power to lift colossal weights to impressive heights. And when the inevitable happens—dark skies and calm conditions—just let those weights drop, powering generators with the force of gravity. Genius, right?

Gravitricity’s prototype, a towering 15m steel structure with a mere 50-tonne weight, proved that this concept is not only simple but also… small scale. But fear not! It generated a whopping 250kW of power, enough to sustain a modest 750 homes briefly. Who needs efficient, compact energy storage when you can have a massive steel tower hoisting and dropping weights?

And let’s not overlook the technological marvels: inch-by-inch electric motors delicately lifting a massive metal box into the sky. It’s like watching poetry in motion, but with electricity and heavy machinery.

But wait, there’s more! The system’s longevity is a thing of wonder. They can control it to extend the lifetime of lifting cables. Plus, it’s designed so that you can replace individual components, not the entire system. Forget planned obsolescence; Gravitricity is here to defy the norm with its decades-long operational life.

So, in conclusion, why bother with sleek, advanced technology when you can embrace the elegance of lifting and dropping heavy things? Gravitricity, the unsung hero of simplicity in the complex world of renewable energy.

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