Sunday, June 30, 2024


EUGeneral KnowledgeScience

Little fish, big noise!

In Berlin, scientists uncover the marvel of a small see-through fish creating a noise that rivals a jackhammer. Oh, brace yourselves for the groundbreaking discovery from the world of aquatic symphonies! In the depths of Berlin's scientific wonderland, researchers stumbled upon the riveting revelation that a tiny, transparent fish named...

In a grand pursuit to unveil the elusive 95% of the Universe, a colossal atom-smasher project is on the horizon.

In Switzerland, scientists at the world's largest particle accelerator are putting forth plans for an even more massive supercollider: Atom-smasher project. Ah, the scientific community's insatiable appetite for colossal experiments never ceases to amaze. Brace yourselves, folks, for the grand plan to construct the Future Circular Collider (FCC) – an...
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