Tuesday, July 2, 2024
US News

Words vs Statistics

It is a common sense to state the numbers/source when you claim something to be true… At least the theory suggests to do so. While many people read only the headline of an article (which is often misleading) you are most likely the victim of disinformation yourself. Now let’s compare Words vs Statistics.

Republicans, blame on President Joe Biden: Here is the statement from DeSantis:

Our southern border [has] collapsed. Drugs are pouring into the country. Our cities are being hollowed out by spiking crime. The federal government’s making it harder for the average family to make ends meet and to attain and maintain a middle-class lifestyle … Stop pricing hardworking Americans out of a good standard of living through inflationary borrow, print, and spending policies.

Now let’s see the statistics: “inflation rate for May 2023 was down to 4 percent, less than half of the June 2022 peak.” Illegal border crossings “down by 70 percent in the last few weeks, according to the Department of Homeland Security, after Biden implemented a new border-management policy.”

Murder is down about 12 percent year-to-date in more than 90 cities that have released data for 2023, compared with data as of the same date in 2022,” according to crime data analyst Jeff Asher, writing in The Atlantic, a trend that could lead to “one of the largest annual percent changes in murder ever recorded.” Add to it a 4 percent drop in homicides in 2022 from the prior year, according to the Council on Criminal Justice analysis of data from 35 cities. …

Another set of data comes from the Violent Crime Survey by the Major Cities Chiefs Association, which looked at data from 70 cities. During the first quarter of 2023, homicides, rapes, and robberies dropped about 8 percent from the first quarter of 2022.  

Now how about banning those assault weapons to lower the violence rate even more, hmm?! Joe?!

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