Thursday, July 4, 2024
US News

Will Joe Biden make a run for the presidency in 2024?

The million-dollar question on everyone’s mind: Will Joe Biden make a run for the presidency in 2024? The pressure from within his own party is turning up the heat. Age and his stance on the tumultuous Middle East have people scratching their heads, and, oh boy, those swing state polls are raising eyebrows.

David Axelrod, the Democratic heavyweight, has put it out there – is it a wise move for Joe Biden to pursue a second term? They’re tossing around concerns about his age, his economic management, and his international stances. It’s almost like they expect their candidates to have a clear plan!

As for potential successors, the list is growing. Congressman Dean Phillips is in the ring, but Governor Gavin Newsom is traveling across the nation, and it’s looking like campaign season already. Get those campaign buttons ready!

It’s politics as usual, and the race for 2024 is off to a dramatic start. The suspense is killing us. Will Joe Biden run for a second term? Only time will tell!

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