Saturday, July 6, 2024
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Whoopi Goldberg’s message: “bite me” as for critics of Dolly Parton’s outfit

Dolly Parton rocked a sparkly Dallas Cowboys cheerleader outfit for her halftime show on Thanksgiving Day.

Can you believe the nerve of Dolly Parton, daring to spice things up in a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader getup at the tender age of 77? The audacity! And would you look at that, some critics have the gall to tell her to “act her age.” Well, fear not, because Whoopi Goldberg has swooped in with the perfect response: a resounding “Bite me.” Classic Whoopi.

But let’s not forget the envy dripping from Sunny Hostin’s words. “If I looked like that in one of them Cowboy things, I might have everything out,” she confesses. Clearly, Dolly’s got the market cornered on how to flaunt a bedazzled mesh catsuit.

And did you hear about her performance? Rocking the stage in belted white shorts, a vest adorned with blue stars, and a crop top that defies the laws of aging. Oh, and she covered her belly button with a crystal star because, you know, age-appropriate bedazzling is a thing.

But it’s not just about the spectacle. Dolly took a moment to partner with The Salvation Army, turning her Thanksgiving performance into a charitable extravaganza. Because, really, what better time to encourage generosity and support for those in need than when you’re dressed as a cheerleader at a football game?

And just to add a cherry on top of this whirlwind of Dolly fabulousness, she dropped her 49th solo album, “Rockstar,” which promptly skyrocketed on the Billboard 200 charts. Because who says you can’t conquer the charts and the football field in a cheerleader outfit at 77?

So here’s to you, Dolly Parton, for showing us all how to age disgracefully and steal the show in the process. Cheers to bedazzled mesh catsuits and defying expectations at every turn!

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