Tuesday, July 2, 2024

When we look at the stars

When we look at the stars the universe admire himself.

In the moonlit embrace of evening shadows, the graceful silhouette of a feline muse pirouettes with enigmatic elegance, whiskers aglow like celestial threads weaving tales of mystery and charm.

Because the universe wants to know and see everything, from drama to comedy, from action to music.  Probably because he wants to fix something, right? He wants to experience every possible felling. 80 years living on earth is for universe like a fraction of a second. We humans live under scientific pressure here on planet earth. We can do everything in life, the universe lets us do everything.

Cats are like the only living things on earth which show us the mysticism of an unknown. Cats, you know, they were the gods of Egypt. Ah, the beauty of unknown, were anything can or can’t be done. But why done when there can be only spoken? The mysticism of human voice heard by cats, you’ve got it right? In conclusion maybe cats are the ears of the universe, so Shh h. Cats are living in twilight zone, were everything is possible, they feel and see what is blind for a human eye my friends.

The cosmic turbo is on planet earth. Man is from earth and cats are multi-dimension beings known as  messengers which are here to guide us.

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