Thursday, July 4, 2024
US News

Trump’s lawyers say he can’t find a company to back a $464 million bond in his New York fraud case.

Donald Trump can’t find a company to cover the $464 million he has to pay for a New York fraud case.

Oh, what a surprise – Donald Trump, the self-proclaimed billionaire, is having a bit of trouble coughing up a mere $464 million. It seems even the most generous bond companies are reluctant to take on such a small financial risk for a man of his stature. I mean, who wouldn’t want to bet on a guy who’s been accused of fraud and faces a mountain of legal troubles?

His lawyers, bless their hearts, have been working tirelessly to find someone, anyone, to vouch for him. But alas, it appears that even the largest insurance companies in the world are shaking in their boots at the mere thought of backing Trump’s appeal. It’s almost as if they have some reservations about putting their money on a guy who has a knack for inflating his assets and running into legal trouble at every turn.

But fear not, dear Donnie, for there’s always a silver lining – or at least, that’s what his legal team would have us believe. They’re pulling out all the stops, from begging bond companies to considering selling off a few of Trump’s prized real estate possessions. Because nothing says “financial stability” quite like liquidating your assets to cover your legal fees, right?

In the meantime, let’s all sit back, grab some popcorn, and watch as Trump’s legal drama unfolds. Who knows what kind of trouble he’ll get himself into next? But hey, at least he’s keeping the lawyers busy, right?

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