Sunday, July 7, 2024
General KnowledgeScience

The Great Sphynx – Carved by the master Wind?

Over four decades ago, Farouk El-Baz, the notorious space scientist and geologist, had a brilliant revelation: what if the Great Sphinx of Giza was actually a product of ancient Egyptian sculptors collaborating with a mischievous wind? Sounds like the plot of a lost Indiana Jones movie, right?

Fast forward to today, a team of courageous scientists from New York University’s Applied Mathematics Laboratory decided to put this theory to the test. Armed with clay models and a garden hose (well, not exactly, but they used water to mimic wind), they embarked on a quest to reshape history.

But don’t get too carried away with fantasies of wind-sculpted wonders. Despite the scientific shenanigans, the mysteries of the Great Sphinx endure. We still can’t be certain if it was wind or ancient artisans who should get the credit. After all, there’s no ancient selfie of a Pharaoh carving the Sphinx with the Great Pyramid in the background.

But don’t get too carried away with fantasies of wind-sculpted wonders. Despite the scientific shenanigans, the mysteries of the Great Sphinx endure. We still can’t be certain if it was wind or ancient artisans who should get the credit. After all, there’s no ancient selfie of a Pharaoh carving the Sphinx with the Great Pyramid in the background.

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