Sunday, June 23, 2024
Global NewsTravel

The cost of getting a UK passport is going up again, for the second time in just over a year.

The cost of a UK passport will increase this Thursday, marking the second price hike in a little over 14 months.

Ah, brace yourselves, fellow travelers! The cost of acquiring the holy grail of travel, the UK passport, is soaring to new heights yet again. In a move that surely evokes jubilation among budget-conscious globetrotters, the price hike marks the second ascent in just over 14 months. Hold onto your wallets, folks!

But fear not, for this incremental rise in passport fees is not merely an arbitrary endeavor to lighten your pockets. Oh no, the Home Office assures us that it’s all for the greater good – to enhance those impeccable passport services we’ve all come to cherish. Because who wouldn’t gladly fork over a few extra pounds for the sheer joy of awaiting passport deliveries and enduring the thrill of passport processing delays? Truly, it’s the stuff wanderlust dreams are made of!

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