Sunday, July 7, 2024
US News

The 250M$ Trump’s civil fraud trial in New York

So Trump went to the Manhattan courtroom for the opening day of the New York civil case against him and his namesake company…

Oh, look who graced the $250 million civil fraud trial with his presence! Trump, the eternal campaigner, turned the courtroom into his personal stage. Because, you know, attending trials for alleged misconduct is just a great way to spend your time. He’s there to “watch this witch hunt” – oh, what a surprise! New York Attorney General should clearly drop everything and focus solely on Trump’s concerns, because nothing else matters, right? And of course, let’s not forget to throw shade at the judge overseeing the case. Classic Trump move. The drama continues, with accountants, discrepancies, and potential witnesses making appearances. Civil case or not, it’s all about Trump and his business. Truly, the world revolves around him, even in court. Bravo! 🙄

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