Monday, June 24, 2024
CarsGlobal News

Tesla Will Sell Its Long-Awaited Cybertruck Next Year, Elon Musk …

The Tesla Cybertruck, delays in producing the pickup have allowed rivals like Ford to beat Tesla to market with electric pickups.

The much-anticipated Cybertruck, Tesla’s angular marvel that’s been in the oven for quite some time. You see, back in 2019, they had a bit of a rocky start. During a supposed demonstration of the truck’s toughness, a metal ball was hurled at its window, and instead of bouncing off like a superhero’s shield, it cracked. Oops.

But fear not, Tesla fans, because Elon Musk is back, this time at the “Cyber Rodeo” in Austin, Texas, which he declared the “biggest party on earth” – talk about confidence. With his trusty black cowboy hat and a grandiose factory the size of three Pentagons, Musk proclaimed, “We’re going to smash the window again.” Let’s hope they hired a sturdier window guy this time.

Despite Musk’s penchant for flexible timelines, this time he’s determined. He insists the Cybertruck will roll out next year. No “most likely” or “coming soon” here. Oh, and there’s a humanoid robot in the mix called Optimus, which he swears will do “anything that humans won’t want to do.” It’s a vague promise that’s both intriguing and slightly ominous.

Tesla’s late to the electric pickup party, though, with Ford’s Lightning making an entrance and Rivian struggling to keep up. But hey, it wouldn’t be a Tesla event without some dramatic flair, local schools closing early, and a special appearance by none other than Harrison Ford. And of course, a Texan flag made out of Tesla cars. They know how to throw a shindig, that’s for sure!

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