Thursday, July 4, 2024

archiveJoe Biden

So WhatUS News

Biden on Chinese President Xi Jinping is a dictator – Shocking… Not.

In the latest episode of "The Diplomatic Tact Chronicles," President Biden maintained his belief that Chinese President Xi Jinping is indeed a dictator. Shocking, right? The communist-country leader may not have an official "Dictator" title, but who needs labels when you run a one-party show, right? Full Context: Asked by...
US News

Will Joe Biden make a run for the presidency in 2024?

The million-dollar question on everyone's mind: Will Joe Biden make a run for the presidency in 2024? The pressure from within his own party is turning up the heat. Age and his stance on the tumultuous Middle East have people scratching their heads, and, oh boy, those swing state polls...