Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Sober living

Substance Use and Mental Health Awareness Events Calendar

drug and alcohol awareness month

They’re all considered classic coming-of-age stories, but they also feature (and in some cases, glorify) underage drinking and binge drinking. The red ribbon is a symbol for the prevention of alcohol gray death is the latest “scariest” opioid drug threat addiction and misuse. Alcohol Awareness Month provides a focused opportunity across America to increase awareness and understanding of alcoholism, its causes, effective treatment and recovery.

Why National Alcohol Awareness Month Is Important

The Sinclair Method is not the only medication-based approach to alcohol recovery. Patients transitioning from opioid agonists (buprenorphine or methadone) might be at increased risk of precipitation of withdrawal symptoms for approximately 14 days. Therefore, clinicians should be prepared to manage withdrawal symptoms with nonopioid medications. Naltrexone also modifies the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to suppress ethanol consumption. Gen Z has been known for either not drinking alcohol at all or enjoying a more moderate relationship with alcohol.

Drunk Driving

The purpose is to educate and inspire conversations about the science behind drug use and addiction among youth. This is a great opportunity for scientists, students, educators, healthcare providers and community partners to come together and improve the prevention and awareness of substance misuse in local communities. Wellspring Center for Prevention is a private nonprofit agency serving the community members and organizations of Middlesex and Monmouth Counties. We are dedicated to improving the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities through our quality prevention and early intervention services.

Driving After Drinking

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over 75 million people have alcohol use disorder or dependence worldwide. Some 64 percent of legal-drinking-age Gen Zers in the U.S. said they had not consumed alcohol in the six months leading up to May, according to the International Wine and Spirits Record (IWSR), a global drinks data and analytics provider. While American Gen Zers are underrepresented because of the country’s higher drinking age laws, the pattern can be seen globally. Drivers with BACs of .08 g/dL or higher involved in fatal crashes were 4 times more likely to have prior convictions for driving while impaired than were drivers with no alcohol (6% and 2%, respectively). To reduce alcohol-related fatal crashes among youth, all states have adopted a minimum legal drinking age of 21.

Looking for Treatment?

Throughout April, communities nationwide participate in various events and activities to raise awareness about alcoholism and promote positive change. From educational workshops and seminars to community rallies and fundraising events, Alcohol Awareness Month provides opportunities for individuals and organizations to unite in solidarity and support. Millions of Americans are touched by substance use and mental health issues daily. People in the throes of conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, addiction, and many others are often in great pain and see no way out of their situation. Current data indicate that approximately 95,000 Americans die each year due to alcohol-related causes, highlighting a significant public health concern.

drug and alcohol awareness month

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

A first-time offense can cost the driver upwards of $10,000 in fines and legal fees. In 2022, among children (14 and younger) killed in motor vehicle crashes, 25% were killed in drunk-driving crashes. Of those deaths, more than half the time (57%) the child killed was in the vehicle driven by the drunk driver. In 2022, the highest percentage of drunk drivers (with BACs of .08 g/dL or higher) were the 21-to 24-year-old age group. Men are most likely to be involved in this type of crash, with four male drunk drivers for every female drunk driver.

  1. Some 64 percent of legal-drinking-age Gen Zers in the U.S. said they had not consumed alcohol in the six months leading up to May, according to the International Wine and Spirits Record (IWSR), a global drinks data and analytics provider.
  2. From educational workshops and seminars to community rallies and fundraising events, Alcohol Awareness Month provides opportunities for individuals and organizations to unite in solidarity and support.
  3. The Sinclair Method for Alcohol Use Disorders is a treatment approach that involves administering the opioid antagonist medication naltrexone as needed to reduce the pleasurable aspects of alcohol consumption.
  4. The NCADD encourages people to participate by wearing red ribbons, talking with kids and teens about alcohol, hosting dry parties, having conversations with friends and family about drinking, and having an alcohol-free weekend.
  5. The massive fraud was announced to the public during a multi-agency news conference a little more than a year ago, on May 16, 2023.

Sign up for NDAFW email updates below, and find lots of great resources for planning and promoting your very own NDAFW event. The role of parents in preventing underage drinking is paramount, as their attitudes and behaviors toward alcohol significantly influence their children’s perceptions and potential consumption habits. A study from 2018 found that prevention of substance use and mental disorders children whose parents allow them to take sips of alcohol are more likely to have favorable expectations about drinking. This insight is crucial for developing effective youth alcohol prevention strategies, emphasizing the need for parents to model responsible drinking behaviors and maintain open, honest discussions about the effects of alcohol.

Sinclair first observed the effects of naltrexone on drinking behavior in his animal research. In animals that had been trained to drink alcohol, they would press a lever repeatedly to obtain it. Sinclair found that if the longer they were deprived of alcohol, the more they would press the lever. He termed this phenomenon the alcohol deprivation effect, likening it to the increased alcohol cravings that make it hard for people with AUD to stay abstinent and avoid a binge. Exogenous opioids include the commonly prescribed pain relievers such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, and heroin.

Alcohol misuse is linked to an increased risk of several types of cancer, including liver, breast, esophagus, throat, mouth, and colon cancer. Under the influence of alcohol, individuals may engage in unprotected sex or make choices they otherwise wouldn’t, increasing the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies. Alcohol remains a profoundly influential substance, especially among younger demographics. Recent findings from the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health underscore this, revealing that millions of Americans, including adolescents, grapple with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD).

Alcohol is the most widely used substance among America’s youth, and drinking by young people poses enormous health and safety risks. The consequences of underage drinking can affect everyone—regardless of age or drinking status. Most adults in the United States who drink alcohol drink moderately and without complications. At the same time, alcohol-related problems are among the most significant public health issues in the country. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) affects about 15 million adults in the United States, and an estimated 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death in the nation. Awareness areas include alcohol use risks, AUD treatments, AUD prevention, and the effects of alcohol misuse on individuals, families, and communities.

While it minimizes cravings, it is important to remember that people also drink for other purposes, including social reasons, boredom, habit, and as a way to dampen emotional pain. It blocks certain opioid receptors in the brain and influences dopamine, a neurotransmitter, which is believed to help block alcohol’s reinforcing effects. The Sinclair method works by reducing the reinforcement that people get when they drink alcohol. One of the reasons why alcohol addiction happens is that people experience a rush of endorphins when they drink. Because drinking makes them feel good, they form an association between alcohol and pleasure. A man’s journey toward mental health may also be influenced by factors such as culture, fatherhood, race, and socioeconomic level, the ADAA reports.

While naltrexone is usually tolerated well, it can have side effects that can range in severity. The most common side effects involve increased nervousness, muscle or joint pain, headache, nausea, and upset stomach. In most cases, these side effects are mild and lessen with time as people become more accustomed to the medication or can be minimized by taking the medication with food. It can also serve as a step toward how psychedelic drugs can be used for mental health the new york times sobriety while minimizing the need for medically-supervised detox in residential alcohol treatment. Unlike some other more expensive treatment options, the Sinclair Method is cost-effective and can be done at home. This article discusses how the Sinclair Method for alcohol addiction recovery works, the potential pros and cons, and some things you should consider before deciding if this approach is right for you.

A critical short-term risk of excessive drinking is alcohol poisoning—a serious and potentially deadly condition that occurs when high levels of alcohol in the bloodstream suppress the nervous system, affecting breathing, heart rate, and body temperature. Every year, April is recognized as Alcohol Awareness Month to address the stigma surrounding alcoholism and help educate the public on alcohol-related issues. Recognizing that you want to change your relationship with alcohol is a big step, and it can be overwhelming to think about the next steps, such as treatment. An AHCCCS medical director recently went public with evidence that the agency knew about possible fraudulent billing and harm to patients as early as 2021 yet did not take any action to stop it until two years later. “Valid providers have been suspended. … Something needs to happen. Providers have lost their homes. They’ve lost their families. People have gotten divorced. Marriages are strained. So many things have happened.” A group of Arizona behavioral health providers and clients say they’ve put the state on notice of an intent to file multiple lawsuits over the recent Medicaid fraud scandal.

drug and alcohol awareness month

Marty Mann founded the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD). She was one of the early members of Alcoholics Anonymous and the first woman to have successfully gone through a 12-step group. She founded NCADD to help people like her get counseled and treated for alcoholism and dedicated this group to key medical and scientific research for the community. Encouraged by the massive number of families going into recovery, NCADD marked April to bring about a nationwide change by using communication tools to cultivate awareness about binge drinking and how much more dangerous it can be than just a night of fun. An integral part of NCADD Alcohol Awareness Month is Alcohol-Free Weekend, which takes place on the first weekend of April to raise public awareness about the use of alcohol and how it may be affecting individuals, families, businesses and our communities. Those individuals or families who experience difficulty or discomfort in this 72-hour experiment are urged to contact local NCADD affiliates, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Al-Anon to learn more about alcoholism and its early symptoms.

Understanding the breadth of short-term and long-term effects of alcohol misuse highlights the importance of addressing alcohol dependency and promoting healthy drinking habits. Recognizing these risks can empower individuals to make informed decisions about their alcohol consumption. Such patterns of alcohol consumption can impair the brain’s ability to form new memories, affecting the individual’s memory retention even when sober.

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