Tuesday, July 2, 2024
General KnowledgeUS News

Sidewalk vs. No sidewalk

Should we, or should we not have sidewalks? Here is the how and why on sidewalks vs. no sidewalks

The curious case of American cities and their walkable sidewalks. You see, while strolling down the boulevards of European cities where history paved the way (literally) for charming, narrow walkable streets, Americans are left wondering how we ended up with such spacious roads.


It’s all about priorities, or shall we say “auto”-correct priorities. Back when other places were building cozy streets for leisurely walks, America was in a torrid love affair with the automobile. Our urban planners were basically saying, “Why walk when you can drive?” The result: wide roads and highways that make you feel like an ant in a concrete jungle.


And then came the great suburban migration, where everyone decided to leave the city and make peace with their car-dependent destiny. To be honest, walking just didn’t cut it in the land of drive-thru everything.

But fear not, fellow pedestrians, because the winds-of-change are blowing. The movement for walkable cities is gaining momentum. So, while American cities might have missed the “walkable” memo, there’s hope for a future where we’ll trade traffic jams for leisurely strolls. Fingers crossed!

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