Sunday, June 30, 2024
EUGeneral Knowledge

Shakespeare’s invented words, still in use.

The English language has always been evolving, and William Shakespeare’s contributions were a reflection of the language’s growth during the Renaissance period. So here are some English Shakespeare’s invented words, still in use.

He must have thought he was quite the trendsetter with his “fashionable” vocabulary, and you can just picture him “swaggering” around the stage, thinking he’s all that and a bag of “junket.” In all seriousness, though, Shakespeare’s contributions to the English language are genuinely remarkable, and his linguistic creativity has certainly stood the test of time.

Well, well, well, would you look at that? The illustrious Mr. William Shakespeare, the original language trendsetter, apparently decided to play Scrabble with the English language a few centuries ago. I can only imagine him strolling through the streets of the 16th century, saying, “Thou art looking quite ‘fashionable’ today,” and people must have thought he was quite the “manager” of linguistic innovation. He probably had quite the “junket” celebrating his word-coinage victories. But hey, who’s keeping score? Shakespeare’s language legacy is no laughing matter, and we’re still “swaggering” along with his words today.

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