Sunday, July 7, 2024
General KnowledgeGlobal News

Scientists proof ‘lost echidna’ is not extinct after all.

Indonesia. Scientists proof ‘lost echidna’ is not extinct after all. Echidnas, those spiky, furry wonders with beaks, are often hailed as “living fossils.”

Hold the press! In groundbreaking news, scientists have miraculously discovered that an ancient egg-laying mammal, affectionately named after Sir David Attenborough, is not extinct after all. Can you believe it? Because, you know, the world was just holding its breath over the fate of this particular spiky, furry, beaked creature.

Embarking on a daring expedition to Indonesia, the brainiacs from Oxford University managed to capture four whole three-second clips of the elusive Attenborough’s long-beaked echidna. Move over Hollywood, we’ve got some award-worthy footage here!

Echidnas, those living fossils, are apparently so ancient that they were around when dinosaurs were throwing parties on Earth about 200 million years ago. Who needs a time machine when you have echidnas to give you a glimpse into prehistoric times?

Up until now, the only proof that the Attenborough echidna existed was a museum specimen from the dark ages. But fear not, dear Earthlings, because Dr. James Kempton and his team have brought us the marvel of camera trap footage! Can you feel the euphoria? I mean, who wouldn’t be euphoric after spotting a creature we thought was extinct based on a decades-old dead specimen? Science at its finest!

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