Sunday, June 30, 2024

Recipe for Donkkaseu: An vintage Korean pork chop

Su Scott spills the secrets to crafting donkkaseu, South Korea’s adored crispy golden pork loin crowned with a glossy brown glaze.

Su Scott, the maestro of Rice Table, vividly recalls her first donkkaseu encounter – that superhero slice of pork dunked in golden goodness. Forget tonkatsu; this Korean delight prefers a grand entrance, served whole on the plate. And oh, that “thick, rich brown sauce” is practically French royalty, with a touch of acidity because, of course, it’s fancy. The fried pork shares the stage with a sidekick duo: cold macaroni salad and cabbage, salsa dancing in vinegary ketchup and mayo. Because why settle for a plain meal when you can have a culinary carnival on your plate? Su Scott, turning meals into an epic saga, one donkkaseu at a time.

Prepare for this epic culinary quest by gathering the chosen ingredients:

Pork Marinade:

Two 150g (5oz) pork loin steaks – because regular pork just won’t cut it.

½ onion, roughly chopped – because precision is overrated.

3 tbsp whole milk – because we’re going for the full moo experience.

½ tsp garlic powder – because who has time to mince garlic?

½ tsp sea salt flakes – because your taste buds deserve a little drama.

Sauce – The Magic Elixir:

A tbsp of golden granulated sugar – because regular sugar isn’t fancy enough.

Another tbsp of tomato ketchup (or catsup for the posh folks) – because what’s a sauce without a little ketchup love?

2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce – for that tangy twist.

2 tsp soy sauce – because we’re globetrotting in the pantry.

1 tsp English mustard – for a hint of sophistication.

10g (1 tbsp) unsalted butter – because, let’s face it, butter makes everything better.

10g (2 tbsp) plain (all-purpose) flour – the unsung hero of thickening agents.

300ml (10fl oz/1¼ cups) water – the essential element for turning dry ingredients into a saucy spectacle.

½ tsp freshly cracked black pepper – because life’s too short for pre-ground pepper.

3 tbsp whole milk – because we’re committed to keeping things whole.

Sea salt flakes, to taste – because you’re the master of your taste kingdom.

To Finish – The Grand Finale:

3 tbsp plain (all-purpose) flour – for that final dusting of magic.

1 egg, whisked with a pinch of salt – because we’re whisking up some egg-cellence.100g (3½oz/2 cups) panko breadcrumbs – the fairy dust of the breadcrumb kingdom.

Vegetable oil, for frying – because air frying is for the faint-hearted.

120g (4oz) white cabbage, shredded – a nod to the veggie kingdom.

A generous splash of Worcestershire sauce – because, really, can you ever have enough Worcestershire?

Another generous splash of extra-virgin olive oil – because we’re feeling extra fancy.

A good pinch of salt and pepper – because balance is the key to culinary enlightenment.

Prepare yourself, brave chef, for a culinary journey like no other!

Step 1: Prepare the pork slices by giving them a good pounding until they’re a respectable 1cm (¾in) thick. Use clingfilm or a reusable bag to avoid turning your kitchen into a battlefield during the flattening process.

Step 2: Throw the onion and milk into a food processor, blend until smooth, then mix in garlic powder and salt. Pour this magical concoction over the flattened pork, let it chill in the fridge for 30 minutes, and watch the transformation begin.

Step 3: Sauce time! Mix sugar, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, and English mustard in a bowl. Set this flavor bomb aside for the grand sauce reveal.

Step 4: In a saucepan, melt butter, add flour, and cook until it’s rocking a toffee brown hue. Slowly pour in water while whisking like a pro. Stir in the flavor bomb, season with black pepper, and let it simmer for 15 minutes to reach sauce nirvana.

Step 5: Stir in milk, season with a pinch of salt if needed, and simmer for an additional 5 minutes until the sauce has that perfect pourable consistency. Keep it warm and cozy until showtime.

Step 6: Time to reveal the pork from its marinade cocoon. Pat it dry and set up a trio of trays: one with flour, one with egg, and one with panko breadcrumbs. Spray some water on the breadcrumbs for that moist touch.

Step 7: Keep one hand for the egg, the other for flour and breadcrumbs. Lightly dust pork with flour, dip it in egg, then roll it in breadcrumbs. Repeat for the other piece and let them mingle on standby.

Step 8: Ready, set, fry! Heat up some vegetable oil to 160C/320F. Fry the cutlets for 4 minutes until they’re golden and cooked through. Let them cool on a rack, excess oil will do its own drip dance.

Step 9: Cabbage time! Toss it with Worcestershire sauce, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Divide the golden cutlets onto plates without slicing, pour that warm brown sauce like you’re Michelangelo with a paintbrush, and serve with a side of shredded cabbage salad.

And there you have it – your culinary masterpiece is ready for the spotlight!

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