Sunday, June 30, 2024
BankingEUGlobal News

Raiffeisen Bank – Raiffeisen’s Russian Profit: Stuck in the Kremlin’s Capital Quicksand

So, this “Austrian” bank, Raiffeisen, decided to make a chunk of its yearly profits in Russia, which sounds like a brilliant business move, right? But, surprise, they can’t bring a single penny of it back home. Why? Well, the Kremlin seems to have a thing for blocking capital. It’s like a game of financial hide-and-seek, and the bank is losing. Raiffeisen’s Russian Profit is basically gone…

Despite announcing a 30% reduction in the loans they handed out in Russia compared to last year, this Austrian banking giant managed to conjure up over a billion euros in profit from Russia alone. A cool billion, just hanging out in Russia, sipping vodka and enjoying the cold. Meanwhile, their total profit report is 2.1 billion euros.

Raiffeisen Bank is Europe’s favorite child when it comes to Central and Eastern Europe’s creditors, but they’ve been accused of playing a little game. You see, they claim they’re planning to pack their bags and leave Russia, where they have about 6.3 billion euros tied up. They even said they’ve cut ties with local banks and shrunk their loan portfolio. But then they played the “blame it on the regulators” card. They’re saying they depend on Russian and European authorities’ approvals to leave, so they can’t make it happen in the blink of an eye.

The Russian government is tightening its grip on Western businesses, making it harder for them to leave. In fact, they’ve got about 18 to 20 billion dollars in profits from companies in “unfriendly” countries all locked up. Think of it as Russia’s savings account.

But here’s the plot twist: Raiffeisen has been making bank (pun intended) in Russia for a long, long time. Last year, they raked in over 60% of their entire group’s profit from there. It’s like that old saying, “Don’t put all your rubles in one matryoshka doll.” Also, in February, the US Treasury decided to snoop around Raiffeisen’s Russian affairs, and the bank swore they’d cooperate. So, yeah, Raiffeisen… What is give is what you get…

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