Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Mystery of ‘Stick Man’ on Led Zeppelin album cover finally solved

Mystery of ‘Stick Man’ on Led Zeppelin album cover finally solved. Finally unveiled.

Breaking news: After a mere fifty years of intense speculation, Sherlock Holmes-level detective work, and probably a few heated debates among die-hard Led Zeppelin fans, the secret identity of the “Stick Man” from the iconic “Led Zeppelin IV” album cover has been unveiled. Drumroll, please!

Hold on to your hats, folks, because it turns out the mysterious figure wielding a stick on the album cover was none other than a thatcher from the late-Victorian era. Yes, you heard it right—a thatcher, the unsung hero of roof-related activities, has been gracing your classic rock collection for decades. Move over, rock legends; it’s time for the thatcher to take center stage!

And in a plot twist worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster, it seems our Stick Man had his moment in the Victorian paparazzi spotlight, courtesy of the influential photographer Ernest Howard Farmer. Forget red carpets; this guy had a stick and knew how to use it, capturing hearts and shingles alike.

But wait, there’s more! The colored version of this masterpiece was apparently discovered in an antique store near guitarist Jimmy Page’s house. Because when you think timeless rock album covers, you naturally think of antique shops in quaint English towns, right?

So, here’s to you, Stick Man! The thatcher who became a rock ‘n’ roll legend without even realizing it. Move over, Mick Jagger; there’s a new icon in town, and he’s armed with a stick and a killer sense of roofing fashion!

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