Thursday, July 4, 2024
CelebrityGlobal NewsHealth

Mark Zuckerberg cares about the teens health

Mark Zuckerberg cares about the teens health and he reportedly opposed Meta’s proposals to enhance teen mental health, according to court documents.

Oh, you know, just your typical day in the land of social media enlightenment! So, the brilliant mind behind Meta, Mark Zuckerberg, our modern-day guardian of teen mental health, has apparently been playing the role of the ultimate superhero. Forget about disabling those pesky beauty filters that might, just might, be messing with the delicate self-esteem of our beloved teens. Why would we want them to have a realistic view of themselves when we can let them frolic in the land of pixelated perfection?

And of course, who needs mental health when you can have unrealistic body image expectations? It’s like a self-esteem workout, right? We must thank Zuckerberg for being the benevolent overlord, protecting us from the dangers of looking too good on social media. After all, if you can’t trust a social media giant to prioritize the well-being of its users, who can you trust?

But wait, there’s more! Allegations of exploiting the psychology of adolescent brains? Oh, come on, that’s just business 101, isn’t it? And let’s not forget Zuckerberg’s personal goals for Meta—to make sure you spend an unhealthy amount of time scrolling through Instagram. Because who needs a life when you can have endless feeds of filtered perfection?

In the grand scheme of things, it’s heartwarming to see such dedication to the well-being of the masses. Thank you, Mark Zuckerberg, for your unwavering commitment to shaping the next generation’s self-image and screen time habits. Truly, a modern-day hero we can all look up to!

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