Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Kiss, the hard rock band, sold their brand and songs for $300 million.

Kiss, the hard rock band, sold their song collection to a Swedish music investor for over $300 million.

Ah, what a heartwarming tale of artistic integrity and genuine love for music we have here! Kiss, the paragon of sincerity, has graciously sold off their soul—I mean, their entire brand and music collection—for a measly $300 million! How noble of them to gift the world with their iconic face paint and timeless tunes, now packaged neatly for corporate consumption. And let’s not forget the cherry on top: AI-generated Kiss content, because who needs actual human creativity when you can have algorithms spitting out pseudo-rockstar performances? It’s truly inspiring to witness musicians so devoted to their craft—or should I say, their bank balances?

But hey, who needs authenticity when you can slap the Kiss brand on everything from coffee mugs to coffins? Because, as Gene Simmons so aptly puts it, “more money is always good,” especially when it comes at the cost of any semblance of artistic integrity. Cheers to the commodification of rock ‘n’ roll!

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