Sunday, June 30, 2024

Is Mean Girls not as sharp as it used to be?

Is the Mean Girls remake kinder but still relevant in today’s context?

So, there’s this new “Mean Girls” remake hitting the screens, and let me tell you, it’s a real departure from the original. You know, the one with all those problematic jokes that were so on-trend back in the noughties. Now, they’ve really shaken things up for Gen Z, with a cast full of queer people of color, and they’ve made sure to ditch those monolithic Africa references.

But don’t worry, Regina George is still as terrifying as ever, maybe even more so. They’ve given her some depth, you know, made her more than just your typical one-dimensional villain. Now she’s got her own songs and everything, letting us in on her inner turmoil and motivations. And hey, they’ve updated the insults too, because apparently “space-dyke” is so last decade. So yeah, it might not be the Mean Girls your mom remembers, but it’s definitely got its own modern twist.

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