Sunday, June 30, 2024
So What

Hearts are never meant to be broken.

Oh, brace yourself for a true epic story behind the scenes about love and hearts.

Heart doesn’t hate anyone. Only mind hates. I have found that kind of love because I have started using my head and I judged in front of the heart. And by example was that I never accepted the other guys in the relationship. But the heart told me that I love her and everything was beautiful for 3 years.

Heart doesn’t know what jealousy is, nope my friends.

Dear mother earth, beware of the truly finding love and never let it go because if you do, if you start using your head, you might break the other heart and just broke yours to and the game is over. Yes my friend, everything was beautiful until one day that I dumped her and started to suffer. Suffering was merely 8 years but the love is still there.

They say everything in life is a gift, like it or not and you need to know what to do with it.

Because if the hearts are broken how can they be fixed? A broken heart they say can never be fixed, only the journey. So maybe they can be together but they will always be broken. So use your head to fix the broken heart.

But fear not, the beautiful journey they say it’s all we need my friend. So in conclusion: don’t mess up with a broken heart.

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