Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Futuristic guitar sound? New voice. Rock Band, The Kills

Rock fans be like: Futuristic guitar sound? New voice. Rock Band, The Kills

Oh, brace yourselves for the epic tale of The Kills, the musical duo that made us all question whether fate and chance are secretly orchestrating our playlists. Because who could have predicted that Jamie Hince and Alison Mosshart, born miles and a decade apart, would stumble upon each other like characters in a cosmic rom-com?

Picture this: a chance meeting 15 years ago, the universe deciding to play matchmaker as Mosshart’s old band conveniently stayed in the flat beneath Hince’s. It’s like the setup for a feel-good Hollywood movie, complete with the obligatory “everything happens for a reason” soundtrack.

And oh, the palpable intensity between them! It’s practically telepathic, transcending mere music to encompass image and aesthetic. Forget logic; their creative relationship is like the Da Vinci Code of the music world, mysterious and intangible to us mere mortals.

Their first three records? A rollercoaster from filthy garage punk to disarming intimacy. Live shows? Just the two of them and a drum machine, because who needs a full band when you’ve got the magic of telepathic connection?

The Kills, the tiniest gang in the world, where the band is life itself for the lucky duo. It’s almost like a secret society, and we’re just the curious bystanders wondering how two people can make music that sounds like the universe conspiring to create a sonic masterpiece.

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