Thursday, June 27, 2024
ArtGeneral Knowledge

‘Earthrise’: The pic that made everyone care about the environment.

Even half a century later, Earthrise remains a timeless symbol, hailed as one of the most iconic environmental snapshots ever captured.

So, in 1968, a bunch of astronauts on Apollo 8 looked out the window, saw the Earth rising, and went, “Oh, that’s pretty.” They took a quick snap, and bam, Earthrise became the hottest thing since sliced bread. This one photo apparently kickstarted the global environmental movement and led to Earth Day – you know, that one day a year when we pretend to care about the planet.

Suddenly, everyone was like, “Wow, Earth is fragile. Let’s protest and make environmental groups.” Forget all the pages of reports and discussions; who knew one picture of a tiny blue ball in space could do so much? Now, more than 50 years later, we’re still using this photo to guilt-trip people into caring about the environment. Because nothing says “save the planet” like a snapshot from space.

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