Sunday, June 30, 2024
EUGlobal News

Did Slovakia just voted the worst person of them all?

Recently, elections have been held in Slovakia, a country in Europe that is bordering Ukraine, Poland, Hungary and Czechia.

On recent elections, the people of the country voted for Robert Fico, a controversial figure to say the least. Fico was the prime minister of Slovakia from 2006 to 2010 and from 2012 to 2018, and he is the head of the Social Democratic party… If you can call it democratic that is.

He resigned after a political crisis sparked by the murder in February 2018 of Jan Kuciak and his fiancée, Martina Kušnírová. Kuciak had been investigating alleged mafia infiltration into the country, with questions raised about Fico’s judgment after it emerged that one of his close aides, was the former business partner of an alleged member of the Calabrian ’Ndrangheta clan.

– Do Slovak people suffer from short memory loss?

Now Fico is a know figure for siding with Putin on many occasions, and even now, in the 2023 elections he stated: We have far worst problem then Ukraine has, and all help towards Ukraine should stop… We wonder if he would have the same rhetoric if Slovakia would neighbor Russia.

Can someone give this man a history book?!

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