Thursday, July 4, 2024

Cruz Beckham learned how good his dad was at soccer by watching, David Beckham’s documentary, says Victoria.

The youngest son of the couple discovered some impressive facts about his famous dad, David Beckham.

Oh, the enlightening experience of Cruz Beckham, the revelation of his father’s hidden talents courtesy of Netflix’s soccer extravaganza! Victoria Beckham, in an interview with Allure, shared the profound realization of their youngest progeny. Brace yourselves for this shocking news—Cruz, at the tender age of 18, had an epiphany: “Wow, I had no idea Dad was so good at football.” I mean, who could have seen that one coming? Certainly not the rest of the world.

In an unexpected turn of events, the Beckham family docuseries, a four-part masterpiece chronicling the life and times of David Beckham, managed to not only surprise young Cruz but also the documentary’s director, Fisher Stevens. Even he, a self-proclaimed soccer fan, confessed in an interview with PEOPLE that he, too, was initially clueless about David’s greatness. It’s almost as if the documentary was revealing some well-kept state secret instead of celebrating a sports legend.

But fear not, dear viewers, as the documentary unfolded, Stevens, like Cruz, underwent a transformation of understanding. Suddenly, he realized, “You were really good.” What a groundbreaking revelation! Who would have thought that a documentary about a renowned athlete would highlight his actual athletic prowess? A round of applause for the groundbreaking investigative work there.

As if the comedic timing wasn’t perfect already, Victoria Beckham also shared anecdotes about how the documentary altered public perception. Young admirers discreetly handing her notes at restaurants, apologizing on behalf of all British football fans, and leaving apologetic messages under the windscreen wiper—because nothing says “I’m sincerely sorry for doubting you” like a handwritten note. Oh, the hardships of being Posh and Becks, beloved by many and, apparently, misunderstood by a few. I’m sure the Beckhams will find solace in the fact that their incredible saga is now immortalized on screen, allowing the world to finally grasp the sheer brilliance that is David Beckham, the man, the myth, the football legend.

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