Thursday, July 4, 2024
General KnowledgeGlobal NewsSo What

Celebrating gay games. Hong Kong delivers ‘rainbows’

World is celebrating gay games. Hong Kong delivers ‘rainbows’ in China in 2023.

The closing ceremony of the Gay Games in Hong Kong is going to feature disco and dancing. How original! Because, you know, that’s exactly what we’d expect from an event celebrating diversity and inclusion. Dragon boat racing and mahjong, too? Wow, groundbreaking stuff.

Of course, the Gay Games, formerly known as the Gay Olympics, couldn’t escape controversy even if it tried. I mean, who would have thought that an event aimed at fostering a sense of community among the LGBTQ+ population would face challenges? Shocking, really.

And let’s not forget the choice of location – Hong Kong, a city that’s been basking in political freedoms and cosmopolitan charm lately. I’m sure the pandemic and China’s ever-tightening grip on the region have only enhanced the overall ambiance. The organizers must be thrilled with their timing.

Back in 2017, when Hong Kong won the bid to host the games, it was a different world. The stunning harbor and mountains must have been even more breathtaking without the looming shadows of political uncertainty and restrictions.

But fear not, because Regina Ip, one of the rare lawmakers who dared to publicly support the event, wants to make it crystal clear: endorsing the Games doesn’t equate to endorsing something as radical as legalizing same-sex marriage in Hong Kong. Heaven forbid we connect the dots between celebrating diversity and advocating for equal rights. What a leap of logic that would be!

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