Tuesday, July 2, 2024

So What

General KnowledgeSo What

Superpowers of an extroverted-introvert.

An extroverted-introvert, often called an ambivert, is someone who has qualities of both extroversion and introversion. They enjoy socializing and being around people, like extroverts, but they also value and need their alone time, like introverts. So, they can be social and outgoing at times, and then they need quiet...
CelebritySo What

Kardashians are at it again.

The drama continues in Kardashian land! Kourtney and Kim are locked in a feud. It all started when they had a "talk" about edits from last season. Kourtney and Kim Kardashian. PHOTO: JOHN SHEARER/GETTY, JAMES DEVANEY/GC IMAGES Apparently, it's all about Kim partnering with Dolce and Gabbana for a wedding dress. Can't...
CelebritySo What

Celebrity Relationships

Another day, another story of someone famous. The Celebrity Relationships just don't stop to amaze. Picture: https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/08/so-what-exactly-makes-taylor-swift-so-great/ Ah, the latest buzz in the celebrity gossip mill - Kelce and Swift, the talk of the town! Who cares who's dating who, really? As long as it's a consensual, happy arrangement, it's...
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