Thursday, June 27, 2024

So What

EUFoodGamesSo What

Bavaria pledges to prohibit cannabis at Oktoberfest, the famed beer celebration.

Munich's Oktoberfest might become a "cannabis-free" zone despite the recent legalization of the drug. Well, hold onto your beer mugs, folks, because Oktoberfest might soon be declared a "cannabis-free" zone. Yes, you heard that right. In a move that seems to defy the logic of, well, everything Oktoberfest stands for,...
EUSo What

A project in Portugal is reintroducing ancient cattle breeds.

A breed called Tauros, similar to the extinct Auroch cattle, is being brought to Portugal's Côa Valley. Ah, the majestic tauros, a modern twist on the long-extinct auroch, now roaming the picturesque landscapes of Portugal's Côa Valley. Because who needs regular cows when you can have their prehistoric cousins, right?...
So What

Hearts are never meant to be broken.

Oh, brace yourself for a true epic story behind the scenes about love and hearts. Heart doesn’t hate anyone. Only mind hates. I have found that kind of love because I have started using my head and I judged in front of the heart. And by example was that I...
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