Sunday, June 30, 2024


ArtEUGeneral Knowledge

Artistic Van Gogh’s darkest symbol: cypress trees.

A short story about Van Gogh's darkest symbol. The world of Vincent van Gogh, where every flower and star is a cosmic revelation. Sunflowers scream joy, stars are heaven's winks, and guess what? Cypress trees, those towering wonders, are the embodiment of fortitude. Because who needs a therapist when you...

From Thurso Scotland. Why surfers are there?

Lately, videos of surfers tackling big waves along the Scottish coast have been making waves themselves, from Thurso to Fife to Portobello near Edinburgh. Thurso, the Viking-approved town, named "Thor's River" because apparently, Norse gods were into geography. Picture this: a place unspooling northward from Loch Rumsdale, like a geographical...
EUGeneral Knowledge

The tiny German island.

The tiny German island with a population of 16 Oh, cue the world's tiniest violin for the dramatic plight of Oland, the minuscule German island boasting a whopping population of 16. Yes, you heard that right – a whole 16 resilient souls battling extreme flooding on their personal Atlantis. While...
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