Saturday, June 22, 2024
US News

California executes Operation: Free the River!

Breaking news, nature enthusiasts! The Klamath River is set for a grand makeover: Operation Free the River!

HORNBROOK, Calif. — This time next year, a series of massive dams that block off the Klamath River will no longer exist.

Operation: Free the River is in full swing! Those imposing dams that’ve been playing river traffic cops since the ’60s? Well, they’re about to retire, allowing the river to flow as Mother Nature intended. Imagine the applause of the fish.

The Iron Gate Dam, the final act in this dam-azing show, is stepping down from its role as the river’s keeper. It’s all for letting nature reclaim its territory. It’s like a rejuvenating spa day for the river, minus the cucumber eye masks.

Well, good luck with the operation. In all seriousness.

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