Tuesday, July 2, 2024
So WhatUS News

Biden on Chinese President Xi Jinping is a dictator – Shocking… Not.

In the latest episode of “The Diplomatic Tact Chronicles,” President Biden maintained his belief that Chinese President Xi Jinping is indeed a dictator. Shocking, right? The communist-country leader may not have an official “Dictator” title, but who needs labels when you run a one-party show, right?

Full Context:

Asked by CNN’s MJ Lee if the president would still describe Xi as a dictator as he has in the past, Biden said:”Well look, he is.”

"He is a dictator in the sense that he is a guy who runs a country that is communist," Biden said, adding that the Chinese government "is totally different than ours." 

So Biden clarified that Xi’s dictatorship is more of a “different government form” sort of situation. Well, if “different” means not a democracy, then yes, different it is. This came as a follow-up of the balloon incident… Back then, Biden blamed Xi for not being aware of a spy balloon situation – the horror! Dictators apparently don’t like surprises, who knew?

Anyway, Biden assures us that progress was made during the meeting. He even wished Xi’s wife a happy birthday, because nothing says international relations like a birthday shout-out.

Let’s not forget Xi’s firm stance: China has no intention of playing musical chairs with the United States. But, hey, the U.S. should also refrain from her ways. Simple, really.

In the world of politics, where words are chosen as carefully as a surgeon’s scalpel, this episode might not add any spicy twist to the constructive and productive discussions between the leaders 🎭🌐 At least they agreed to resume the cooperation on the drug manufacturing and trafficking, including synthetic drugs like fentanyl, among other things, so indeed, progress was made. #BidenXiRelations

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