Sunday, June 30, 2024
EUSo What

A project in Portugal is reintroducing ancient cattle breeds.

A breed called Tauros, similar to the extinct Auroch cattle, is being brought to Portugal’s Côa Valley.

Ah, the majestic tauros, a modern twist on the long-extinct auroch, now roaming the picturesque landscapes of Portugal’s Côa Valley. Because who needs regular cows when you can have their prehistoric cousins, right?

Rewilding Portugal, the masterminds behind this endeavor, are on a mission to turn back time and recreate the wilderness of yesteryears. Because why settle for regular old biodiversity when you can have a bunch of wild horses and aurochs prancing around, just like in the good old Paleolithic days?

And let’s not forget the economic benefits! Who wouldn’t want to visit a rural area teeming with wild animals and potential wolf attacks? It’s like a safari, but with fewer safety precautions and more adrenaline!

Sure, there might be some challenges along the way, like convincing local farmers that reintroducing apex predators into the ecosystem is a fantastic idea. But hey, who needs sheep when you can have wolves, right?

So, here’s to Rewilding Portugal and their noble quest to bring back ancient beasts and turn Portugal into the next Jurassic Park. Because what could possibly go wrong?

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