Thursday, June 27, 2024
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A new documentary reveals Gérard Depardieu making inappropriate comments.

A TV documentary is causing trouble for Gérard Depardieu, as it shows him making inappropriate comments about women.

Ah, the saga of Gérard Depardieu continues! France’s beloved actor has graced us with another masterpiece – a TV documentary showcasing his refined taste in remarks about women. The pinnacle of sophistication was reached during a shoot in North Korea in 2018. Because, you know, what’s more elegant than discussing one’s weight in the exotic setting of North Korea?

Our dear Depardieu, at the tender age of 74, decided to dazzle his female interpreter with gems like, “I weigh 124 kilos. Without an erection. With an erection, I’m 126 kilos.” Truly, a wordsmith of unparalleled finesse. And if that wasn’t enough, he proudly declares, “I have a girder in my underpants.” How poetic!

But the show doesn’t stop there. He also reveals his profound insights into why women supposedly enjoy horseback riding at a stable. Move over, horse whisperers; Depardieu’s in town with his groundbreaking theories.

Now, this TV extravaganza isn’t just for laughs; it’s also backing up recent claims of Depardieu’s alleged sexual misconduct. Shocking, I know! Who would have thought that a man sharing his weight details in a foreign land could face such accusations?

Feminists have had their eyes on Depardieu for a while, and MeToo activists even forced him to cancel some public appearances earlier this year. But never fear, the man himself clarified in an open letter that he’s not a “rapist or predator.” Well, there you have it, folks – the refined charm of Gérard Depardieu on full display!

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