Sunday, July 7, 2024
Global NewsHollywood

A documentary challenges assumptions about neurodiversity in the film industry.

A documentary sets out to confront the widespread assumptions surrounding neurodivergent talents.

Ah, another documentary attempting to tackle the daunting task of unraveling the “sweeping assumptions” about neurodivergent performers. How noble. Neurodelicious, an Arts Council-funded endeavor, presents “Difference Is Delicious” to celebrate the enigmatic world of neurodiversity. Because, of course, what better way to combat societal stereotypes than with a documentary?

Hannah Aria, the founder of Neurodelicious, leads the charge against the injustices faced by neurodivergent artists in the film industry. With her laundry list of conditions including dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, Ehler’s-Danlos syndrome, and ADHD, she’s the poster child for the quirky, misunderstood genius trope. But fear not, for this documentary is not just about raising awareness; it’s a bold and risky venture that’s “really taken off.” Because nothing screams “groundbreaking cinema” like a film about the struggles of artists with unique brains.

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